Thursday, September 29, 2016

North Korea

Hello everybody!

Today I will to talk about the county I would like to visit, this coutry is North Korea. Sincerely I don't know almost nothing of the North Korea, but I was know some comment of this country. Some comment are good and other bad, depending on where they come from.

The little I know of North Korea is thanks to youtube and google. Through this platform I knew that after the second war worldwide the country of Korea was divide in two: North Korea and South Korea. The North have a communist system and the South a capitalism system. After the fall of wall of Berlin the communist system fell and in a very few continue this system. In currently North Korea is some the bigger enemy of Unites States.

Generally in television show bad things of this country, how for example: repression, murder, abuse, authoritarian power, etc. But, I always ask me how a system of governement can endure in the time and why the people legitimacy this order. In my visit I would life some months like one Korean more and this way I can understand how is life in this country and because the people acept this order. However is visit thit country is only a beatiful dream, because the visit of the abroad country are is almost prohibited, only is possible through of the tour realized by the state of North Korea and the price is very expensive. Dream is free.

Thanks you for read my post, regards!


  1. Danilo, is a enigmatic country. Also I would like visit I konw more about the North Korea.

  2. I think you're the first person that I know of that would like to visit North Korea. It's just so mysterious that most people just prefer to look away.

  3. You have the sociology in your veins man!Take care when you go there haha, regards!
