Thursday, October 27, 2016

Hello everybody.

Today I'm going to talk about the jobs that I would to have. Really, when I decided enter to sociology I didn't know in what work a person with this profession, but I knew some aspects of this degree how for example that help and find solutions for the social problems, and it's was some that I always wanted.
After I learned some jobs of the sociologist, I think that some jobs are horrible and other jobs are beatiful and amazing. When I have my degree of sociology I would like jobs with the people that not always have the possibility for have a good life. Although, I wasn't born in a bad village, I know how is life in those place, and is a life very difficult. Because I would job in bad village and change the life of the people that live in this place.

For work in a place like that is necesary have much and different skill. I think that the skill more important is have the bravery for enter in bad village and speak with the person that life there Other skill that is necesary have is know this place and how are the relations of the people. Finally, other skill very necesary is to be accepted by other.

My job satisfaccion that I would get froim doing this job is that I would help the life of people that live in those place. Maybe this change won't progress in big number their life, but while I can make somethings for this people I think that I have make nice my jobs.

Well, this was my presentation about the jobs that I would doing. Bye!


  1. Sociology has the power to change the world Danilo! haha don't forget it. Take care.

  2. Every time that one person decides to study sociology, that person thinks that he or she can change the world. I think that this dream can't be destroyed, if you want to do it, then so it!

  3. It is great that you want to give your knowledge and bring the Sociology to the bad villages and try to help the people, congratulations :)

  4. I think you will agree on all post hahah! Keep it up!
