Thursday, November 24, 2016


Hello everybody
Today I going to talk about the result that I had in the exercises.
I think that in the exercises in that I only could read and choose the correctly words I have results acceptable. In this exercises I had the next results: 23/33, 4/5, 6/7 and 5/7. If this aren't the best results I think that was good for me. But, in the listening I had bad results :(. In this exercises my score was 3/7 and 3/6. I think that this results are bad for this course. 
There aren't doubt that I must practice much the listening and how speak in english because this are my aspect more bad in this lenguaje. I think that I practice this watch movie or series in english with subtitle. I hope can improve for the last exam :(.
Well, this was my review about the results in the exercises. Bye.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Edo Caroe

Hello everybody
Today I going to talk speak a person that I admire, this is Edo Caroe.
Edo Caroe is a comedian and magician. However, he isn't the traditional humourist that only tells jokes about the drunk, mother in law or some familiar, but Caroe in his routine add much critical politics and social with a strong irony. When Edo Caroe make his presentation he don't have a limit for to make humor and every people can be object of the  laugh, even he and his family or a politic that not make good his work..
I don't  remeber when I knew Edo Caroe, but yes remember that my father tell me that I would see Edo Caroe because he was funny. I started watch Edo Caroe in "Mentira verdadera" and after in "Alfombra Roja".
I watched every routine that he have in TV, and are very entertaining and critical. How for example I remeber when he speaks about the resolution of the trial of Juan Pablo Jimenez, it's was any very surprise and decent of admiration, because in the TV o newspapers this case don't have importance, and was a trial very dirty... Besides he have many joke of the double sense, and are very funny. Also he tell joke very strong, how for example when he spoke that he don't remember the name of the his son.
If I know Edo Caroe I don't know what thing answer. Maybe I prefer have with he a conversation more friendly and deep, even we would smoke some hahaha. The reason of this decision is because I don't see Edo Caroe how a star. I see Edo Caroe how a normal person that have the beatiful ability of make laugh and create knowlegde to the people, work that make very good.
Good bye!

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Hello everybody
Today I going to talk about my favorite band, this is Nofx. Nofx is a band that play music of the style punk rock and they was from California.
Well, the first time that I listened this band was when a friend have a song of their, this song is call "Dinosaurs will die", and inmediately I like me. That day when I arrive to my home I search some songs of nofx in Ares, and since this day I love this band.
I like much this band for many aspect. The first aspects is for the music that they make, always I like the music "fast", in where the drums, bass and guitar are play a fast speed. Others aspects that called me attention is the attitude that have Nofx, how for example the opinion negative that their have of appear in TV or in a big show. Also I like me some letters that they have in their songs, letters that speak of the different theme how politics, inequality, religion, between others.
My favorite song of the nofx is "The decline". This theme is a "holy grail" of the California punk. Why is the holy grail of the California punk? For different motives. The decline lasts 18 minutes. Yes! 18 minute, is a true madness play in live. This song speak about the decline of the world and in especially of USA. Since I was a child I dreamed with watch this band in live and can listen the decline. The first time that I watch Nofx don't play this song :( but the last years when arrived to Chile played this song and I think that was a some moment most happy of my life. I hoppe can watch other time Nofx in live before die.
Good bye!.