Thursday, November 24, 2016


Hello everybody
Today I going to talk about the result that I had in the exercises.
I think that in the exercises in that I only could read and choose the correctly words I have results acceptable. In this exercises I had the next results: 23/33, 4/5, 6/7 and 5/7. If this aren't the best results I think that was good for me. But, in the listening I had bad results :(. In this exercises my score was 3/7 and 3/6. I think that this results are bad for this course. 
There aren't doubt that I must practice much the listening and how speak in english because this are my aspect more bad in this lenguaje. I think that I practice this watch movie or series in english with subtitle. I hope can improve for the last exam :(.
Well, this was my review about the results in the exercises. Bye.

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