Thursday, November 17, 2016

Edo Caroe

Hello everybody
Today I going to talk speak a person that I admire, this is Edo Caroe.
Edo Caroe is a comedian and magician. However, he isn't the traditional humourist that only tells jokes about the drunk, mother in law or some familiar, but Caroe in his routine add much critical politics and social with a strong irony. When Edo Caroe make his presentation he don't have a limit for to make humor and every people can be object of the  laugh, even he and his family or a politic that not make good his work..
I don't  remeber when I knew Edo Caroe, but yes remember that my father tell me that I would see Edo Caroe because he was funny. I started watch Edo Caroe in "Mentira verdadera" and after in "Alfombra Roja".
I watched every routine that he have in TV, and are very entertaining and critical. How for example I remeber when he speaks about the resolution of the trial of Juan Pablo Jimenez, it's was any very surprise and decent of admiration, because in the TV o newspapers this case don't have importance, and was a trial very dirty... Besides he have many joke of the double sense, and are very funny. Also he tell joke very strong, how for example when he spoke that he don't remember the name of the his son.
If I know Edo Caroe I don't know what thing answer. Maybe I prefer have with he a conversation more friendly and deep, even we would smoke some hahaha. The reason of this decision is because I don't see Edo Caroe how a star. I see Edo Caroe how a normal person that have the beatiful ability of make laugh and create knowlegde to the people, work that make very good.
Good bye!


  1. Edo is one of the best homorist in Chile is very funny

  2. Edo is great! I love that kind of humor I also practice it a lot haha. Regards!

  3. Edo is greeeat! Whenever I can hear "pongamonos serios", it's very nicee

  4. Ouch, I think that until now I'm the only who doesn't like him jaja.

  5. I think that never see Edo Caroe. I will look for a video.
